That was awesome.

In "Best and worst movies of 2008"

I would like to add that I agree with flurker. Burn After Reading was horrible.

I'm only going to list my pick of the best. I looked over a list of 2008 movies and realized I only saw one or two that were truly awful. Best 1. In Bruges 2. Frost/Nixon 3. Dark Knight 4. Sukiyaki Western Django 5. Let the Right One in

In "Election Projection."

Who is supporting McCain? I haven't met any of these people

In "Behind the Dude: Steve Buscemi on "The Big Lebowski" "

This movie is a great judge of character. My friends and I have decided that if a person sees it and doesn't like it, you probably shouldn't be friends with them.

In "Michael Phelps' victory dance is innate, scientists say."

I wish I could watch the Olympics on a non-US tv channel. I'm sick of only hearing about US athletes, as well as seeing how truly obnoxious they are.

In "Things Younger Than John McCain"

I just remembered that McCain was a prisoner of war, which means he should become president.

The thing is, this is true. Don't people want someone who is smarter, more capable, and more aware of the world than the average person is? McCain is none of those.

In "Is "Canadian" the new racial slur in the American South?"

I'd rather be known as a canadian than an american. And I am an american.

In "How to pose."

Poseur, poser.

In "Ninja dishonours Shaolin Temple, monks seek legal recourse."

A majority of Chinese kung fu that's taught today (all over the world, including China) is for show. You can still find teachers who know the original, effective styles, but it's more rare. So I don't know if I believe this or not, but it's definitely plausible in my opinion.

In "10 recording bloopers that made the album."

I thought this was cool. I also agree with the site, that Working Class Hero does sound strange. I do find the difference in tone obnoxious.

In "Curious George: What're the last 5 books you've read?"

kitfisto, Spook Country was really good. I liked Pattern Recognition more, but I really enjoyed this one (I'm actually still more of a fan of the Neuromancer series, though).

Spook Country, William Gibson Shadow of the Shadow Returning as Shadows Some Clouds Return to the Same City, the last four by Paco Ignacio Taibo II.

In "Newsfilter: Bridge collapses over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis."

Yeah, it was pretty shocking to hear about it at 6:15 and to see pictures when I turned the local news on.

In ""They're jealous -- it gives a great shower,""

Yeah, I thought of Seinfeld immediately.

In "Al Gore book excerpt: The Assault on Reason."

I hope he runs.

In "Wii Have a Problem."

I'm really sick of people complaining because they let go of their controller.

In "Playstation 3 in PAL regions delayed."

I may not buy one, especially immediately, but I'm still excited to see what it'll be like. I'm tired of all the purely negative comments on engadget, etc. Yes, sony is screwing up, but I'd still like to see the product.

In "Drinking juice can help prevent Alzheimer's."

How about people drink more water and eat more fruit. I bet that would have better results.

(limited to the most recent 20 comments)